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Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hello,forgotten to tell u wad happen.there is a book fair and actually i wanna buy Diary of Amos Lee,no money buy!!!So sad:-( Btw did u guys visit my blog?See ya,bb

Friday, February 5, 2010

Yo,wa lao u all so bad one!!!Never visit my blog!!!Later i tell u wad happen Yesterday.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hello.Anyone interested to go to Heart Of God Church for reunion dinner.Pls inform me.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Yo,pai seh,long time never post.Today i gone to Joelle's church and i love it!!!Can't wait to buy my phone.What will happen to us when we reach secondary school???Can we stay contact???

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Myspace Comments, Glitter Graphics at GlitterYourWay.com
Myspace Layouts

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Yo! Today was a tiring day for the girls. but it was FUN they say!!! And they ♥ it. Today during PE they played "blind mice".LOL! during PE play blind mice. Ok it is because Mr Salleh was not here or unavailable so got a relief teacher come. (is like deh...) Than he say canot run in the hall. So either you play badminton or nothing. So they seeked for his approval to play blind mice. Yet they thought he would reject but out of their surprise he say "YES"!! Then got about 10 girls and more, but only 2 boys. i think... Then after PE was science, do our "revision paper" that Miss Koo give us. After Science was Recess, Cheryl and Audris walk here and there trying to look for _________. Still can't find him so they gave up. We went back to class and sat down.(special! Today don't need to go hall!) so go straight to class. We stay there till our classmate return.As Cheryl is the Vice-chairperson so she have to take care of the class. We were quiet at first then we were super noisy! She and Omar(chairperson) was like you shout first than i shout. So she gave up, she SHOUTED at us saying "KEEP QUIET!!!" Then the whole class were like clapping. She was like "???" wads wrong? then we say she was using a MIC mayb she was really shouting very loud. LOL. let's skip to after school. Today got Science supplementry.But Mr lim wants to see all AM teacher. So we have a longer break. Than kor came to ask the girls wants to play "Ice and Water" girls catch boys. Oh man is like every year all girls catch boy so tired. Then Mr Poon came, so we lined up and go back to class Cheryl and Adilla and the other girls who play was like o my god! Is like since last year didn't run like that liao. So tired!!!But we ♥ it!! After Science supplementry went to Autumn Lab to do the Adobe Photoshop the project. I went there with joelle mei, wenxuan jie, Cheryl jie, bingxian kor. Go there till 4.00+. We finish the project at about 3.30? Than we go our gans the blog and SPAM!! I took part in it. I was with Bing Xian kor. Then the girls team was Joelle mei and wenxuan jie.Cheryl was the refree curse me lol.Cause I use Cheryl's name put she love bingxian.Than we play dao "shuang" liao go home than when the boys go home, wenxuan jie and joelle mei was like using their bottle spraying water at me and bingxian kor. Actually they were aiming at kor. but since both their aiming was "SUPER LAN!" They keep hitting me instead. Than my pants almost the whole thing wet. Than after playing wenxuan jie the mother send Cheryl and mei mei home.

Friday, May 8, 2009

this is the pic of my class and miss koo she is our science relief teacher.she would not be teaching us anymore.